Well, Isn’t That Pinteresting?

kinda interesting . comments welcomed.

Your Monthly Periodical

Written By: Kat

Today I logged into Pinterest for the first time in a few weeks. As I scrolled through, page after page loading, I was quickly reminded of how terrible and plebeian everything in my life is. My bedroom doesn’t look anything like an airy beachside bungalow, my wall-hangings have zero rustic character, and there is nary a stitch of stainless steel in my kitchen. Thanks, Internet, I’ll be in my shitty little shanty if you need me.

As far as I can tell, Pinterest is the reason your wife drinks heavily. It’s a place ladies go to be reminded they are not nearly adequate, due to the fact that they have not yet mastered “the perfect ganache,” or hand-sewn that elaborate princess costume for their daughters.

It’s a place where middle-class women fantasize about $4k Burberry trench coats, obsess over creative shelving, and lust after $100 a roll…

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